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“If I been an carpentier, by R. Plant”

“Vakardienas aizgājušie kuģi”, o./c. 130×97 cm, 2013.g.

“Littorina Sea”, oil on canvas, 100×110 cm, 2018.

“Reflections”, 2016. 97×130 cm, oil on canvas

“To sea”, 2016, oil on canvas, 81×100 cm

Cushion “Different dreams”, porcelain, 2015. 30x25x5 cm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFCyWB8MbiM

“Balcan motif”, 2015, handmade paper, 30×45 cm

Jazz. 2015., handmade paper, 30×45 cm

Insomnia. 2015, handmade paper, 35x35x8 cm

Silenus… by Erasmus Rotherdam “The Price of Folie”; porcelain

Impresii Panevezys – 1. 2020. 100x80cm, o./c.

Impresii Panevezys – 2. 2020. 100x80cm, o./c.

Balcan motif. 2015. 45x30cm., hand made paper.

Balcan motif. 2015. 35×30 cm., hand made paper.

“Infinity sign”, 2016. collague, 60/60 cm

“Trapped in time”, 2024., oil on canvas, 100×80 cm

“Iesprostotais laiks”, 2024., a.,e., 2-160×50 cm

“Trapped time”, 2024., oil on canvas, 2-160×50 cm

“The sound of swamp”, 2024., oil on canvas, 25×35 cm